Cerebral Palsy is a disorder that impairs control of movement. Cerebral Palsy affects a person's motor skills hampering them from writing, maintaining balance or completing tasks that requires fine-motor skills.   More then 500,000 people living in the United States suffer from a form of this incurable disorder. Cerebral Palsy can be caused by many different factors. Over 20 percent of cerebral palsy victims have had it since birth. Many of these cases may have been due to medical malpractice. If you or someone you care about has Cerebral Palsy due to medical negligence contact a personal injury lawyer. If you or a family member developed cerebral palsy due to another's negligence, it is important to protect your legal rights.  Review the "10 Rules to follow if you are in an accident" instructions provided.  Then call an Lancaster PA injury lawyer and Lancaster PA cerebral palsy Accident attorney who's firm handles Lancaster County medical malpractice cases involving cerebral palsy injuries.

CALL KNAFO LAW OFFICES 1672 Manheim Pike Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 560-4444